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How To Take Consistent Action To CREATE Major Success

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action”

- Tony Robbins

As a new business owner there are decisions you have to make in terms of how you are going to grow your business and how serious you are going to take your business. Are you going to treat it like a ‘real’ business or is it your side-gig? Your hobby?

Once I made my decision I knew I was going to show up EVERY SINGLE DAY. I often get asked about this and why I made that choice.

I, as a business owner, want to show up everyday: For my clients, for my future clients, for my community. I will be there for them every single day. Why? Because I care. Because I’m building an empire. This isn’t a hobby or a little side-gig. It’s become a daily habit for me showing up everyday, same as how people develop the habit to work on their mindset everyday, showing up is equally important to me.

Even when I’m on vacation, I will still show up and the people who don’t think I should, in my mind, have it completely wrong and backwards. Obviously, I still relax, but I’m also putting in the work.

People have to understand because I made the decisions I did, I created my business and I show up everyday, that’s WHY I have the freedom to travel the world the way I do. That’s why I have the freedom to hang out at the beach every single day if I want to. That’s why I have the freedom to move to Bali for a couple of months or join a friend on the Bahamas. If it means I have to show up for my community everyday, I will totally do that, that’s the decision I’ve made. Because I am willing to show up and do the work, that is how I now have the freedom I was longing for.

Freedom is the main reason why I wanted to have my own business, something which I didn’t feel I had when I was working for a large corporate company. I spent a number of years honing my skills which I now utilize in my own business.

However, my business wasn’t an overnight success, I’ve put in the work. People are intrigued by how much success I’ve had in such a quick time, people believed it was easy and it just ‘happened’. I officially started my business in April 2018, but my business is built upon the skills and knowledge I’ve been learning for years and years. Skills I started learning at university through my Bachelors and Masters degree, then within my corporate career where I worked with hundreds of different companies for three years. I was always willing to learn and go the extra mile, and I see my own successful business as the ‘pay-off’ for the hard work I was willing to put in.

Tony Robbins is a great example of someone who is incredibly successful and has worked very hard for a number of years to get to where he is. Robbins had a tough upbringing and suffered a lot of violence abuse, but was so intrigued by successful people and wanted to be one too. So, at age 17 he went to his first seminar, then by his mid-twenties he was a famous international speaker. He now has a huge business empire, involved in many different industries including charities. Also, he has many best-selling books, sells out seminars that are up to $5,000 per person and owns a 5-star resort in Fiji. I’m sure you can think of lots more examples of people similar to Tony Robbins, people who have put in the work for a number of years and it’s paying off. It's easy to just see their success now instead of look at the work they have put in over years!

Did my business start very well and is scaling quickly? YES!

But… Did it just ‘happen’ and it was due to luck? NOT AT ALL!

I achieved this because of strategic work. A lot of strategic work. This doesn’t mean I worked lots and lots of hours, but I made well thought of decisions which I knew would get me the best results. I was productive, not busy!

I see so many new business owners who treat their business like a hobby, like something cool to have. They want the results, they want the lifestyle, but they’re not prepared to put in the work - they are also the ones that just vanish for 14 days and then come back with a big 'Hii I'm back'. Putting in the work, doesn’t have to mean working 15 hours a day, I don’t believe in hustling, but I believe in consistency and showing up every single day. I believe in being decisive, in taking the risk and doing what it takes to make things work.

I want to continuously improve, I want to learn, I want to be the best version of myself as a business owner that I can be, so yes I am totally putting in the work. Even though I may be at the beach at the weekend, I will still show up.

Be the one that sees the long-term plan, that is ready to work for the long-term vision instead of just seeing the next quick win. Never sacrifice short term wins for the long-term plan. Be ready to put in the work, to treat your business the way it should be treated in line with the dreams you have. And do show up. Always show up!

What does it take for your business to be successful?

What do you want your empire to look like?


If you aren’t running a multiple six figure business working less than 5 hours a day yet… we created the perfect training for you: The Business Productivity Bootcamp. Walk away knowing EXACTLY how to organize your business to get things done and make time for what matters most to you. I’ll promise you - these are the best $79 spend in a loooooong time (or you get your money back!)




About Jenny

After quitting her successful yet unfulfilling corporate consulting career Jenny started her own consulting business. Her focus is on helping business owners ditch the overwhelm and grow their businesses strategically through system development, automation and team creation. Jenny is originally from Germany, but after spending 5 years abroad for her Bachelor & Master's degrees, she got the travel bug and now travels full time. 

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