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Hey, Jenny here!

I help female service-based entrepreneurs get to a minimum of $10k revenue per month by focusing on selling one high ticket offer. I believe in running profitable, simple and fun businesses from the start. Let’s stop the undercharging, make sure to charge what you are worth and start scaling your business!

Watch my 10 minute video explanation as to why I believe in growing your business by focusing on one high ticket offer.

Make a Move Now

Done with the excuses and ready to move your business towards the $100,000 revenue mark TODAY? I got your back and am ready to facilitate the next steps in your business journey. 

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My bulletproof Coaching Program “Slay $10k” to help you sign high ticket clients now




How to Stop Undercharging & Charge High Ticket instead -
FREE Masterclass

Join my FREE Facebook Community  all about high ticket selling & building a business that works FOR you


Two years ago I left my successful - but overworked and under fulfilled - corporate consulting career to run my own multiple six-figure business, travel the world, work 3 hours a day and prioritize having fun & living life to the fullest. 


Sounds impossible? Well, that’s what everyone else said.


Thankfully I didn’t buy into this and instead of wondering ‘what if’ I went ahead and actively started creating my dream life. Today I’m living proof that yes you can have everything you want - so why wouldn’t it be possible for you, too? 


Hi,  I'm Jenny!

Wanna work with me?

Getting to $10k+ months. Selling a high ticket offer you are obsessed with. Working 3-5 hours a day. Loving your clients.


These are all the things that my clients want in their business. Ultimately they want FREEDOM. Monetary and time: making more $$$ while working less. And if you are wondering … yes, I’m 100% convinced that this is possible for YOU, too. Let’s join forces!


What Past Clients Are Saying

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Before working with Jenny, I was burnt out from trying to do too many things in my business and from not actually being clear about what any of those things should actually be. I constantly doubted if my niche (professional corporate women) would actually invest in high ticket coaching for my specialty (confidence, clothing and communication = aka personal impact!). I was like a headless chicken with anxiety! 


Jenny helped me to get super clear about what I wanted; to create a consistent (and simple) lead gen & marketing plan; and to have confidence in my offering. We stripped away so many of the busy tasks that were actually just hindering my progress, and focused on what was actually neede...


Within a few WEEKS I’d sold my first high tiket 1-1 offer at $7k, and then I was able to launch a group program and bring in 13 people, resulting in over $20k, followed by my first $40k month! 


These numbers make me super happy - of course - but what makes me even happier is feeling so much more calm, confident and in control as a CEO of my business. This is good for me AND all the clients I’m serving in a bigger better way now. 

Jodi G. - Leadership and Personal Branding Expert

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